Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Health Essays Myocardial Infarction Mortality

Health Essays Myocardial Infarction Mortality Myocardial Infarction Mortality 1.0 Introduction In the UK, about 838,000 men and 394,000 women have had a myocardial infarction (MI) at some point in their lives, (NICE clinical guideline 48, 2007). The latest statistics from the British Heart Foundation state that approximately 227,000 people suffer from an acute MI (heart attack) each year (British Heart Foundation Statistics Website). To put this figure in to perspective this equates to one person every 2 minutes. Mortality is at approximately 30% which is 68,100 deaths in the UK per year. The National Service Framework (NSF) for Coronary Heart disease (CHD) is a 10-year programme published by the Department of Health in 2000 and has set key standards for the prevention and treatment of CHD. Access to the right treatment for those who suffer from an AMI, is essential to reduce morbidity and mortality and improve clinical outcomes. People with diabetes mellitus constitute a group of patients who have a higher risk of having an MI and also a poorer prognosis post infarction. The higher death and complication rates appear to be multifactorial but a significant finding in the Diabetes Mellitus Insulin-Glucose Infusion in Acute Myocardial Infarction (DIGAMI) Trial showed to reduce one year mortality by 30% (Malberg et al., 1995). It’s recommended 1.1 Primary Objective To determine the relationship between HbA1c and prognosis of patients in East Lancashire having a myocardial infarction. 1.2 Secondary Objectives To assess the prognosis of patients below the glucose cut off threshold for DIGAMI treatment and whether or not this borderline category falls in to the highest risk group in terms of mortality and morbidity. To determine if there is both a clinical and analytical case to use fluoride oxalate tubes for plasma glucose and HbA1c collection and analysis in East Lancashire. To ascertain the effect of a previous DIGAMI audit conducted in 2006 by the Clinical Audit Team and reflect on any improvements of conformance to the protocol two years later. If there is a significant relationship between HbA1c and prognosis then a risk stratification chart and a more clinically and analytically robust inclusion criteria on to the intensive treatment protocol (DIGAMI Regime) can be determined. This could lead to a better prognosis for a group of patients that fall into a borderline category that are not currently treated under the current protocol who potentially should be depending on the results of this study. 1.3 Cardiovascular Disease 1.3.1 Incidence of CHD The incidence of CHD follows different trends across the UK depending on various factors including regional, socio-economic and ethnic differences. There is a definite North-South gradient, and mortality rates are at the highest in Scotland and the North of England. Social class inequalities in mortality rates show that male manual workers are 58% more likely to suffer premature death from CHD than non-manual workers. Statistics also show that South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans), are more likely to suffer premature death with figures of 46% for men and 51% for women. This ethnic grouping the highest risk (Figure 1.). The East Lancashire NHS Trust provides a service for over half a million people offering care across four hospital sites. The population of East Lancashire falls into one of the higher risk areas in the UK with local authority statistics for reflecting this fact. Age-standardised death rates per 100.000 in Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Rossendale, Nelson and Pendle show that these areas fall into the upper fifth quintile for men and upper fourth and fifth quintile for women (Coronary Heart Disease Statistics 2005). In the Lancashire NUTS-2 area, which includes Blackburn with Darwen Unitary Authorities 93.4% of the 1.41 million residents classified their ethnic group as white British, Irish or other white background. A further 5.3% gave their ethnic group as Asian or British Asian. This figure is 1.3% above the national average. Even more pronounced is when the East Lancashire population is singled out, where the percentage rises to 10.8%. (Appendix ). The sub region of East Lancashire contains the highest proportion of ethnic minorities which is a contributing factor to the high incidence of CHD in addition to the socio-economic differences compared with other regions. Myocardial Infarction 1.4.3 Risk Factors Pathophysiology 1.4.2 Morbidity and Mortality 1.4 Diabetes Although there have been significant advances in the care of many of the extrapancreatic manifestations of diabetes, acute myocardial infarction continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. Factors unique to diabetes increase atherosclerotic plaque formation and thrombosis, thereby contributing to myocardial infarction. Autonomic neuropathy may predispose to infarction and result in atypical presenting symptoms in the diabetic patient, making diagnosis difficult and delaying treatment. The clinical course of myocardial infarction is frequently complicated and carries a higher mortality rate in the diabetic than in the nondiabetic patient. Although the course and pathophysiology of myocardial infarction differ to some degree in diabetic patients from those in patients without diabetes, much more remains to be known to formulate more effective treatment strategies in this high risk subgroup. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1992; 20:736-744 Acute myocardial infarction in the diabetic patient: pathophysiology, clinical course and prognosis RM Jacoby and RW Nesto Myocardial function is further impaired in diabetic patients by the metabolic changes that occur in the early stages of myocardial infarction: insulin resistance and hyperglycaemia are induced by release of catecholamines, cortisol, glucagon, and growth hormone.10 At the same time, secretion of insulin by the pancreatic islets is reduced,11 which impairs the ability to compensate for this state of insulin resistance. The combination of low insulin concentrations and elevated catecholamine concentrations increases release of non-esterified fatty acids, which augment myocardial oxygen requirements and depress mechanical performance. 12 BMJ 1996;313:639-640 (14  September) Editorials Insulin infusion in diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction 1.4.1 Pathophysiology Mention stress hyperglycaemia 1.5 Glycated Haemoglobin Glycation is a nonenzymatic process of adding a sugar residue to amino groups of proteins. Normal adult haemoglobin usually consists of Hb A (97%), Hb A2 (2.5%), and HB F (0.5%). HbA1c is one of a group of a minor haemoglobins separated from the major constituent Hb A. It has become the dominant measure of glycated haemoglobin because of improved analytical techniques and ease of routine separation and quantification. HbA1c is formed by the condensation of glucose with the N-terminal valine residue of the haemoglobin ÃŽ ²-chain to form an unstable Schiff base followed by dissociation or a Amadori rearrangement to form the stable ketoamine (Figure ). The glycation of haemoglobin is essentially irreversible and its level depends on the lifespan of a patient’s red blood cell and the blood glucose concentration. Tietz p791 HbA1c is primarily used as an indicator of glycaemic control and used in diabetic monitoring. The feasibility study of the DCCT trial (diabetes control and complications) published in 1993 provided evidence for the much hypothesised opinion that better glycaemic control would decrease long term complications of diabetes mellitus and that the HbA1c test can be used as a measure of this. The UKPDS (U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study) followed on from these findings and conducted the largest clinical research study of diabetes focussing on reducing life-threatening complications by appropriate treatment including maintaining a HbA1c result of 7.0% or below (see section 1.5.1). 1.4.1 Utility of HbA1c Type 2 diabetes can be diagnosed using two different criteria, the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and the 2 hour glucose value of the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) which is the ‘gold standard’. The FDG cut-off value of 7.0 mmol/L has been calculated to roughly correlate to the OGTT 2 hour diagnostic value of 11.1 mmol/L and provides greater reproducibility. A major disadvantage to the patient is the requirement to fast prior to both of these protocols. Glycated haemoglobin concentration is an indicator of the average blood glucose level over approximately 90 days. Though the lifespan of a red blood cell is normally 120 days, the contribution of the plasma glucose concentration to glycated haemoglobin differs depending on the time interval, with the largest influence on the HbA1c value being the most recent. It provides a retrospective index of integrated plasma glucose levels and has been suggested to have a role to play in the screening and diagnosis of diabetes in addition to its primary role of monitoring diabetic control. The debate of whether an HbA1c result could be used for diagnosis continues despite the generally accepted argument that the test as a single entity is not sensitive enough to provide definitive cut-off values and determine reference ranges because the values of the two populations; non-diabetics and diabetes overlap. An HbA1c result above the upper reference limit however is specific for glucose intolerance. Another concern is the limitations of the HbA1c result in individuals with abnormal haemoglobinopathies and anaemias, especially when the latter is secondary to haemolysis or iron deficiency (Kilpatrick, 2005). Glycation depends on the lifespan of a patient’s erythrocyte and the blood glucose concentration so in these groups the results will not be accurately representative of metabolic control in comparison to reference ranges based on the general population. 1.4.2 Reason for the Study It is highly unlikely that the HbA1c test will replace routine glucose testing for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes but it may still have an invaluable role in this area. HbA1c levels may be less influenced by acute stress induced by an ischemic event compared with plasma glucose and therefore could be useful as a tool for differentiating patients with diabetes, and identifying undiagnosed cases in the inpatient setting. Although the increased risk of CHD with type 2 diabetes is universally accepted, a study conducted by Khaw et al. of the general population showed that medically diagnosed diabetes only accounted for 20% of all CVD fatalities. The majority of fatal events came from apparently healthy individuals with a glycated haemoglobin > 6% in the absence of diabetes and this relationship was independent of other risk factors (Khaw et al., 2002). Minor glycometabolic dysregulation may be associated with an increased risk yet this route of research has been poorly explored. If a strong correlation exists then HbA1c could be used as a routine test in the primary prevention of CHD, and patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes can be diagnosed with dysglycemia. In this identified group of individuals, intensive treatment could improve the long term prognosis of the patient. 1.5 Previous Studies DIGAMI 1 and 2 DCCT VA Cooperative Study UKPDS 1.6 Current Situation at the RBH East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust provides a range of health care and acute services to the Boroughs of Blackburn, Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Ribble Valley and Rossendale with a population of approximately 515,000 falling into its catchment area. The primary purpose of the Pathology Department at Blackburn Royal Infirmary is to provide a high quality testing service for the diagnostic, screening and monitoring of patient samples. Recent drivers for change revolve around The Pathology Modernisation Programme which was launched in 1999. This aims at improving the quality and efficiency of NHS pathology services and encourages the introduction of new technologies and practices to deliver high quality patient care and matching capacity with increased demand. England’s National Health Service has embarked on an ambitious program of system reform. The Labour Government has committed to increase NHS spending to implement changes of streamlining services and improving quality of service. One of East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trusts Key Objectives is to streamline diagnostic services and to reduce overheads as part of a Trust wide cost improvement programme. The aim is to work ‘smarter’ rather than ‘harder’ to balance activity with demand. However, current capacity to meet demand is almost at saturation point and we have reached the inevitable point in which processes have to change. 1.6.1 Post MI Management DIGAMI 1.6.2 Laboratory Service to Users The decision of treatment for some patients with a suspected MI can rely on the venous glucose result. It is therefore paramount that the result validated is accurate and precise. Glucose Stability The MI patients treated as per DIGAMI protocol are diabetic patients or non-diabetics with a glucose of >11.1mmol/L. An area of contention is the fact that for inpatients, serum glucose is collected in Startedt S-Monovette ® gel tubes containing no preservative and analysed on the VITROS 5,1 FS chemistry system. The manufacturers’ guidelines state the stability of glucose decreases by approximately 8% for every half an hour prior to separation of the serum from the cells (VITROS datasheet ). Though samples from A+E are dealt with urgently this is a short timeframe from collection to result. Some bloods are taken via a paramedic collection on route to the accident and emergency department and therefore are delayed even longer prior to analysis. The stability of serum glucose is a well known problem hindering the accuracy of results this is the reason that samples arriving from GP surgeries are processed routinely on the Thermo Konelab analyzer using blood collected in tubes containing a fluoride oxalate preservative. It has been discussed to also use such tubes for ward samples, with all glucoses being run on the VITROS analyzer. Up to now the stability issue of hospital samples has not been thought of as a clinical hindrance because they are prioritised and processed sooner than the GP samples and therefore there has been a ‘medically allowed tolerance’ The importance of the admission blood glucose result has come to light as it can be a deciding factor for the inclusion of MI patients on to the intensive DIGAMI treatment protocol, and as a direct consequence, will have a clinical impact on the prognosis of a patient. Due to the glucose being metabolised by the cells and giving a falsely lower result, a group of borderline patients may not meet the inclusion criterion for DIGAMI as a result and have a worse prognosis than they should have. Therefore this is an issue of great clinical importance. This project should indicate to what extent the stability is a problem and approximately how many patients it affects. If the HbA1c result could be utilised as a complimentary test to be used in conjunction with known diabetic status and admission plasma glucose then the inclusion criteria would be both more clinically and analytically reliable. Historically HbA1c analysis is performed by the haematology department on EDTA blood samples for logistical reasons. If analytical stability and comparison studies show that fluoride oxalate tubes can be used accurately and precisely for glucose and HbA1c analysis then one biochemistry tube would be sufficient for both tests. Laboratory practice for diabetic diagnosis and monitoring could then be a leaner process for cascade HbA1c testing in terms of archiving, retrieval and storage of samples. 1.7 Clinical Audit Clinical audit is a quality improvement process which is a component of clinical governance within the NHS introduced to improve patient care through a systematic review against explicit criteria and the implementation of change. Participation is recognized by the General Medical Council as an integral part of good practice and the results should be used to improve the quality of care. The Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project (MINAP) is funded by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and is carried out by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). It was established in 1999 as a method of clinical audit to examine the quality of management of myocardial infarction and shows how hospitals in England and Wales are performing against targets in the NSF for CHD. 1.7.1 Summary of 2006 DIGAMI Audit In 2006, the clinical audit team conducted an audit with one of its’ main objectives being to assess whether the DIGAMI protocol was being adhered to. This was a retrospective study in which the casenotes of 46 patients were viewed and information extracted. These patients were either known diabetics or had a plasma glucose of >11.1mmol, and had presented with cardiac pain. A summary of the baseline characteristics was that over half of the patients were of Asian descent, there was a slight female prevalence and the majority included were known diabetics. They also concluded that the DIGAMI regime was only initiated in 24% of the cases, whereas all 46 patients should have been treated as per current protocol. Another non-conformance to the protocol was the fact that approximately 50% of the patients did not have a venous blood glucose checked by the biochemistry laboratory (Bharucha et al., 2006). The results of this audit will be re-addressed in this study to ascertain the effectiveness of the recommendations and the impact of the results two years on. Reasons for undertaking this project According to estimates there are as many as a third of undiagnosed diabetics (as cited in Greci et al., 2003). The DIGAMI regime is an intensive treatment protocol for the management of myocardial infarction in patients known to have diabetes mellitus or in patients with hyperglycaemia on admission. At East Lancashire NHS Trust, intensive treatment with intravenous dextrose and insulin reduce and control blood glucose levels to between 4-9 mmol/L. Currently, there is a standardised inclusion criterion and treatment protocol rather than a treatment programme which is graded in intensity, and tailored to individual glycometabolic status. Hospital glucoses are analysed using serum collected in Starsedt Monovet 4.2 ml gel tubes. The manufacturers’ guidelines state the stability of glucose could decrease by 7% every half an hour prior to separation of the serum from the cells. Although samples from A+E are dealt with urgently this is a short timeframe. Paramedic collection of samples on route mean even longer time delays before separation.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Plagiarism: A Pestilence in Education Essay -- Plagiarising Education

Plagiarism: The Pestilence in Education When I think of plagiarism, I imagine a person literally stealing from another individual. The term plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagi rius, which essentially represents the felony of kidnapping. An individual who kidnaps anothers work is a felon. Obviously, this form of larceny is not as immoral as the form for which one can be imprisoned; however, most educators and honest students view plagiarism in this manner. Within education I conceive that there are two kinds of plagiarism: copying a paper word-for-word and not providing the correct recognition to the original author when utilizing their composition. I believe that each situation of plagiarism should be considered serious enough to investigate in order to determine an appropriate consequence. If an individual is not clear on how to cite works properly within the context of an essay, then the omission should be determined non-intentional and, therefore, not subject to punishment. However, if someone deliberately d uplicates somebody elses work, then he or she should be reprimanded. This form of pilfering usually occurs in the higher levels of education, as in high school or college. Steiner 2 When I attended Calabasas High School, I was caught cheating in my tenth grade European History class by my instructor, Mr. White. This offense consisted of giving a fellow student, who sat in front of me, my homework. My friend told me he intended to compare his homework to mine. Not only did my peer betray me and copy my work, but I was punished for being so gullible. This homework assignment was worth two points out of a class that was worth close to three hundred total points. I was awarded a threatening letter sent home... ...rofessors are having a challenging time discovering the offense. The Honor Code Committee modified and modernized the Academic Honor Code in an effort Steiner 8 to elucidate what denotes cheating. The result was a broader, more encompassing definition that was clearly more strict and rigid. With the revised conduct code plagiarism cases have escalated out of control. Perhaps the problem may also be due to the increased drains on students time, in which young adults are trying to work, achieve in school, engage in extracurricular activities, and volunteer. Competition has become fierce, and the result has been an increase in plagiarism. The problem is educators have put more effort into stopping the spread than into understanding the causal factors for the upsurgence. With the increase in plagiarism, educators feel they must have a firm defense against what they see.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Business Environment Essay

Business environment refers to the conditions prevailing in a society in which a business is to be operated. It is defined as the total of all things external to business firms and industries, which effect their organization and operation. The number and scope of environmental factors, which effect business, is broad. There should be included all aspects of our social, scientific, economic, political and cultural life which have some bearing upon business. Relationship of Environment to Business To understand fully the nature of business, its structure, its organization and its behavior, one must look not only at the business properly, but also at the environment within which business operates. More specifically, this means that business exists in surroundings external to its direct or operating components of firms and industries. The significant elements of environment for a business house comprise persons, physical resources and climate, economic and market conditions, altitudes and laws of the land. These elements effect the course of action of the company. Business and its environment interact. In our business-oriented society, business has influenced environmental conditions probably as much as or even more than environmental forces have shaped business. The firm depends upon its environmental conditions for the resources and opportunities necessary for its existence. The environment determines the limits of the firms’ activities. The environment contributes valuable resources to the business firm only if the firm provides the desired goods or services to the environment. A firm must look to public needs and attitudes remain sensitive to human values and alert to the social set up. Good businesses, therefore, are always responsive to the total environment in which they operate. Economic Environment Business is greatly influenced by the economy of the country. Its operational success depends upon an adjustment and meeting the requirements of the economy. The important factors that are to be looked into and effectively handled are: 1. Desires, Customers and Markets The purpose of business is to anticipate desires of people and purpose goods and services accordingly to satisfy them. Let these goods and services so produced be carried effectively to the place of customers. But it is not possible unless businessman produces them at proper time and makes them available to customers at reasonable price. Hence, timing of production and reasonable price. Hence, timing of production and reasonable price of products are important considerations. Further, the intensity of competition existing in the market and the degree of marketing strategies to be adopted also are important points to be considered by a business entrepreneur. 2. Availability Businessmen must assess the source or sources of capital as well as the cost at which it is available. For a developing country like ours, obtaining capital is not so easy. It is definitely a problem as its availability depends upon will and capacity of people to save and invest, existence of good capital and money market, and economic and financial policy of the government etc. 3. Availability of Labour Operational efficiency of a business enterprise greatly depends upon the availability of labour at a reasonable price. If such manpower in the shape of skilled and unskilled workers is sufficiently available to a business according to its requirement and within reasonable wage rate, it can carry on its activities and expect profit. But to get workers at right time and at right price is not so easy. There are many factors that influence their availability. 4. Level of Productivity Productivity at a reasonable level depends upon how the activities are planned, organized, directed and controlled. The use of the latest production techniques, machines, manpower, and motivation and techniques of people to work sincerely and devotedly are some of the requirements to achieve the desired level of productivity. 5. Imaginative Entrepreneurship The success of an entrepreneur depends upon the quality of his imagination and skill. More he is intelligent, imaginative, and farsighted, more he is effective in grabbing the opportunity and playing his role in the economic growth and betterment of people. 6. Qualified and Capable Manager The competent role of managers has greatly improved the efficiency of work operation, reduced cost and enhanced capability to face challenge of competition. The science of management is undergoing a fast improvement in the light of research, study, experiences and observation. Every business enterprise is struggling to avail the benefit of intelligent, qualified, and competent managers. 7. Market Size Market size of a business depends upon its production policy and programme. If its production target is limited, it will have a small market. On the other hand, if it has a large-scale production programme, it has to expand its market. Such business enterprises even go to international markets. Desire to expand the size of market causes them to adopt new marketing strategies and planned efforts to go as deep to different places as possible and create as many customers as it could be. 8. Price Levels and Inflation In case if price level is changing fast, it becomes difficult for a business enterprise to plan its activities that would ensure a reasonable gain. Changing price, levels make the cost of capital, production, distribution, and profit unpredictable and uncertain. But still then we find entrepreneurs coming up with fair guess and estimation to make their business operate with better results and survive the vagaries of changing price levels and inflation. 9. Government Fiscal and Monetary Policy Government collects revenue through taxes, duties, fees etc, and spends the same on administration, public utilities like roads, bridges, canals, buildings, hospitals etc. Greater burden of taxes imposed by the government on people may reduce their ability to save and could affect investment climate. Similarly, monetary policy, which influences supply of money within the country, does also have its impacts on business activities. Central Bank of the country as controller of credit plays its role to regulate money supply together with the government. Social and Cultural Environment Businesses produce goods and services for people who dwell in the society. Thus the number of people, their age and educational composition has great significance for business. What a person buys or the service he consumes is a reflection of his religious and cultural constraints. Thus the cultural religious and ethnic pressures have a vital bearing on the affairs of the business. 1. Population Growth for a businessman, population growth presents both opportunities and problems. Opportunities arise from the fact that there are continually more consumers to buy business output and more workers to produce and sell it. Problems are caused by the fact that as more people want and need jobs, businesses must make them available otherwise the society will have to face the menace of unemployment. 2. Population Composition (a) Age-Wise Composition Different age groups have different demands. Young people are interested in automobiles, musical instruments, sport equipments etc. Older people may be interest in medical care and health, food etc. (b) Education Standard An illiterate population can be easily deceived. Gone are the days of the sellers society. The society where consumers are educated is the buyers society. People can well judge between good and bad and reap the economies of modern technology. (c) Economic Standards Higher income people can afford to satisfy tastes that people of lower incomes cannot. Thus when the medium family income increases, the market for business products and services also expands. (d) Changing Job Opportunities With increased investment in human resources, the opportunities to improve labour productivity are enhanced. The occupational shifts have been towards professional, technical, managerial jobs and in service industries. The opportunities for farm workers, craftsmen, machine operators etc, is declining substantially. 3. Social Attitudes and Beliefs Businesses have to take into account the attitudes, desires, beliefs, tastes, problems and customs of the consumers. These aspects vary in individuals, groups and even nations. Americans hold attitudes like respect for all individuals, strong regard for education, faith in science and technology, belief in innovation, belief in competition, belief in an environment cleansed of air and water pollution, lovable communities with decent housing, safe streets, efficient transportation, educational and cultural opportunities. Such social beliefs have a considerable impact on business climate. 4. Pluralism The society is broken down into many kinds of groups’ consumers, investors, labour organizations, managers, government’s bureaucrats and politicians, religious groups, racial groups etc. In everything that business managers do, they must be alert to this pluralistic feature of the society. While the existence of so many interest groups tends to complicate business operations, they constitute a major safeguard against dominance of the society by any single interest group. Technological Environment There has always been a strong link between business and technology. Any business that wishes to survive in a changing world must be aware of the modern technological changes and also use technology to develop and modernize its products or services, to meet cost competition and to improve marketing. The alert businessman must not only be aware o technological changes affecting his operations and his customs, he needs to forecast the state of the art so that he will have time to use it successfully before he finds his products or processes obsolete. This he must also do so that he is the first one to put up a new product at the suitable time in the market and not lag behind which will be a degrading position in the world of competition. Political Environment Political environment has a great impact on the establishment, operation, growth and expansion of business. Stable political climate makes things more certain and predictable. Businessman fined themselves in a better position to estimate future and plan their business. In other worlds, greater is the political stability, better may be the opportunity for successful business. That is the reason why we often witness flight of capital from the country where there is political instability or where policy of government frequently changes. Legal Environment Every business is encircled by the laws, regulations, and court decisions of the land. Almost each and every decision made by a businessman should be within the permissible limits of laws and regulations of the country. He should know that his action or decision might be subjected to a challenge in the court of law. Thus all decisions and steps should be within the framework of the law of the land. This success depends upon how he meets all legal requirements. We know that in certain cases rules and regulations may be burdensome. But they all aim at creating an atmosphere that is best suited to good conduct of business and protect the interests of customers and workers as well. Social Responsibility in Business A large part of an organization’s response to its environment is called SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. â€Å"Social Responsibility has been defined as the organization’s obligation to take actions that protect and improve the welfare of the society as a whole, along with advancing its own interests.† Basically business is said to possess this responsibility because of its extreme power to influence societal conditions.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Religion and theology My Self as a Muslim - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 565 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Blue eyes stare back at me. Those blue eyes stare and judge the rest of my being. They zoom in on the blemishes that consume my face and make my nose seem more prominent as well as my bushy eyebrows. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Religion and theology : My Self as a Muslim" essay for you Create order Those blue eyes travel down to my lips just to see the lack of them and make their way to my fully rounded cheeks and wish they could just be normal, as they just take a glance at my body and instantly regrets it as they see a plump body form. Those blue eyes gaze around my body trying to find a perfection, but just end up with the same blue eyes staring right back at my eyes. Those blue eyes are mine. This is me. A true and raw form of how I interpret myself. Some may think its because of my hijab, but little do they know thats the only thing I take pride in. Those blue eyes travel up to my head and fill up with pride because that was my choice. And I feel comfortable and not at any point I will revert my decision. This choice has always impacted decisions I make positively, and the much teachings I get interacting with strong men of faith has guided me to become prosperous the way I am. I have always had the ability to air my views with adequate space to make decisions impacting my life as a Muslim, aspect that makes me take the right path in life. This is what many people lack in order to make sure they pursue their dreams. Yet, Muslim caters for my desires and has always provided me with good advice and views to ensure I did not make negative decisions which could impact my life and make me not to attain the potential as I have done today. First, it has made me have humility as my modest opinion in life. With many teachings of Islam emphasizing the importance of remaining humble, it has taught me to always have this value in every decision I make. Been polite to other people has always made everything I want to achieve in life possible. Muslims greatly emphasize about been polite to everyone we meet in life. I have always kept this virtue of life and have always approached people with greater politeness. This has made me get good responses from people and has seen them accept my requests without necessarily contradicting me. Respecting other peoples lives without considering statuses has remained of help in my life. Without this, I anticipate that much I have achieved with interacting while different people could have failed and thus could not have achieved greater success in life. [bookmark: _GoBack] I have always defended my religion and always find pride while people associated me with Muslims in life. Clearly, this is the best religion for me and has inspired me to achieve greater things in life. The warmth I receive in colleagues here has impacted me with a positive image of my life and continually cultivates positive self-esteem propelling me to overcome challenges which without been proud of this religion could not have made my way through. Clearly, as someone who has achieved greatness in life, I have found pride in my religion and myself which I believe will continue helping me to continue soaring even to greater heights in life.