Monday, March 9, 2020

The Fall Of Cocialism On Animal Farm essays

The Fall Of Cocialism On Animal Farm essays History shows that socialism is a theory that many people try, but few succeed at. This very idea of socialism is tried on Animal Farm when Old Major, a wise elderly pig who feels his time on earth is almost up, has a vision that the animals of Manor Farm can gain independence from their human owners. Even though Old Major soon dies his dream lives on with the other animals as they later successfully revolt and drive their human owners away creating their own farm which they name Animal Farm. The pigs immediately take charge and a socialist system is set up by the animals. At first this Socialist system works well and appears to be going in the direction of a perfect communism, but soon reality sets in and the farm changes into a system that more closely represents a totalitarian dictatorship. Soon after the successful animal rebellion two rival pigs step up to try to lead the other animals in this new socialist system that has been set up. These two pigs first create a system they call Animalism and immediately devise a set of seven commandments that are then painted on the side of the big barn, and will make all animals equal. The Socialist system works very well at first as all the animals work very hard and the farm is working like a well oiled machine. The only animal that doesnt seem to quite be fulfilling their responsibilities is the horse named Molly. On the other hand, the horse named Boxer does three times the work of anyone else and the animals look up to him. Beasts of England, which is a song the animals originally sang seven times the night of the rebellion, is also sung to keep their morales high. Every morning to start of the day a meeting is held in the barn. During these meetings the rival pigs do most of the talking. One rival pig, named Snowba ll, speaks of improvement in the farm and a chance for the animals to work less and gain more by working togeth...